Order Book THE- GOD CONCLUSION A spiritual tour de force where east meets west and scientific empiricism meets eastern spirituality to offer fresh insights into the age old question, 'does God exist?' Starting from the Buddhist doctrine of anatta ('no self'), the lessons of biology and atomic physics are followed to a surprising conclusion. A conclusion that might be described as half-way between atheism and conventional theism, a conclusion very much in keeping with the Buddha's philosophy of 'the middle way'. What follows is a spiritual guidebook to uncovering answers to the deepest spiritual questions and the attainment of true inner happiness and contentment.

This book is available on a Give What You Want basis. It is free to download and only the cost of printing is charged for hard copies so, if you find value in reading the book you are invited to support the author by clicking the donate button below.
About the Author A Spiritual non-fiction book by
Colin Mangan


A spiritual tour de force where east meets west and scientific empiricism meets eastern spirituality to offer fresh insights into the age old question, 'does God exist?' Starting from the Buddhist doctrine of anatta ('no self'), the lessons of biology and atomic physics are followed to a surprising conclusion. A conclusion that might be described as half-way between atheism and conventional theism, a conclusion very much in keeping with the Buddha's philosophy of 'the middle way'. What follows is a spiritual guidebook to uncovering answers to the deepest spiritual questions and the attainment of true inner happiness and contentment.

This book is available on a Give What You Want basis. It is free to download and only the cost of printing is charged for hard copies so, if you find value in reading the book you are invited to support the author by clicking the donate button below.

About the Author A Spiritual non-fiction book by Colin Mangan
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